Wednesday, 29 December 2010

China to raise tax on small cars - Washington Post (Abingdon)

China to raise tax on small cars - Washington Post
China will raise the sales tax on small cars Jan. 1, it was announced Tuesday, ending an economic stimulus that helped the country take the world lead in auto purchases and improved the fuel efficiency of the nation's fleet. The move follows by just days

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Ford to expand fuel-saving tech - Yahoo Finance
The carmaker plans to install a fuel-saving technology into a wider range of vehicles in N. America starting in 2012. Auto Start-Stop shuts off the engine when a car stops while keeping other systems on, promising to improve fuel economy by 4% or more. It

Most police officers opt not to pay to have take-home cars -
Three-quarters of the Chattanooga police officers with take-home cars decided Tuesday that they will park their patrol cars instead of paying the city for their commutes. "I think that a lot of officers have chosen to turn in their cars out of protest

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